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We are thrilled to congratulate Banyule Community Health on the successful installation of their new 140kW solar system!
This significant step not only highlights their commitment to sustainability but also reinforces their dedication to being a responsible corporate citizen in their community for over 44 years.
By harnessing solar energy, Banyule Community Health is reducing its carbon footprint and setting an inspiring example for others.
This initiative not only benefits the environment but also demonstrates their ongoing commitment to health and well-being for everyone in their community.
Here’s to a brighter, more sustainable future!
Why UNIfied?
At UNIfied, we are here to ensure your renewable energy transition is as efficient and seamless as possible. We are here to help you pay less for your electricity bills and lowering operation overheads. If you’re interested, we can further offer you an assessment by one of energy retailer partners and provide your business with an energy savings proposal with no charge or obligation to sign up.
Contact UNIfied today or call 1300 817 847 to achieve greater savings in these precarious times, and start your journey of clean energy living!