Do Solar Panels Work on Cloudy, Rainy, or Cold Days?

School & Education / Sustainability by Tom Edwards

Solar Panels work on cloudy and rainy days

It may sound complex. But solar is simpler than you think.

At UNIfied Energy Services, we aim to take the complexity out of the solar process to make it easy to understand, quick and affordable, for your family. Let’s get started!

Do solar panels work on cloudy, rainy, or cold days?

We’ll cut straight to the chase – solar panels work just fine when it’s cloudy, rainy, and/or cold.

Are clouds and rain ideal for solar panels? Of course not. They are most effective in direct sunlight. But solar panels can still generate power when the sun is blocked by clouds – more than enough, in fact, to remain a viable source of electricity. Take Germany, for example. It’s not particularly warm or sunny, but is nevertheless a world leader in solar energy.

As for winter, there’s some even better news: Solar panels are powered by light, not heat, and because of the way the technology works, they’re just as effective – if not more effective – in cooler temperatures as in hot ones.

How much does a solar energy system cost?

That depends.

Most Aussie homeowners are paying around $1.50, per watt, to install solar.

That may seem expensive, but it doesn’t take into account the Government incentives available and the multiple new forms of solar finance, like the Brighte Green Loan, that has emerged in recent years that can allow you to put solar on your rooftop at little or no cost up front. Ask us about finance here

And, of course, looking at the straight upfront cost of the system and its installation is far from the whole story, at least as far as your bank account is concerned.

Why UNIfied?

  • Trusted Solar and Storage Experts Since 2012 with over 30,000 sites installed
  • Australia’s largest DIVERSified Energy Efficiency Specialist
  • Assessed and installed by our team of experts in the field
  • All services are approved by the Clean Energy Council
  • Guaranteed high-quality: ISO certified

Interested in solar?

Get a free consultation with our solar specialists about the right solar solution for your home. Call 1300 817 847 (Option 3) today!

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