Boosting Bord’s
Manufacturing energy

0 KW
System Size
$ 0
Annual Energy Savings
0. 0
Energy Rate Peak
Led lighting
solar panels and sky
The Challenge

Increasing energy rates

As a product manufacturer, it is difficult for Bord to reduce their required energy consumption. The climbing energy rates have increasingly put pressure on their capacity requirements and the need to reduce their energy bills. In addition to this, we needed to work around skylights on the roof to reach their energy capacity goal of 100kW.
The solution

Tilted solar system arrangement

In order to get the most out of their solar system, our expert team engineered the panels to be tilted on the roof to boost Bord’s energy savings to $40,900 per annum. We also managed to install a huge 100kW system to reach their energy demands without compromising manufacturing capacity.
led lighting commercial business
roof covered in solar panels

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