Federal government announces $100 million local community energy efficiency fund

School & Education / Sustainability by Tom Edwards


“Our government is determined to seize this once-in-a-generation opportunity and transform Australia into a renewable energy superpower. Our nation will only grow and prosper if all three levels of government – local, state and federal – work together to deliver policies and programs for the the community,” Mr Albanese said.

The Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, announced the Community Energy Upgrades Fund in a speech to the nation’s local councils convention earlier today 16th June 2023.


What this means for local community facilities

The funding will help community facilities such as libraries, swimming pools and other sporting centres to decarbonise, reduce energy bills and boost their energy independence.


Under this initiative, local councils can upgrade pool heating systems, lighting for sports grounds and courts to LED lights, and fund new storage technology – such as solar batteries – at community centres and libraries.


It will partner with the Australian Local Government Association to get the maximum value for every project, and it is anticipated that the program will be running before the end of the year.


What this means for ratepayers

Ratepayers’ hip pockets could expect relief with Energy Minister, Chris Bowen, saying councils can reduce their energy bills dramatically with savings from the transition.

“Councils receive big energy bills.  They have no choice sometimes but to pass them on through rate increases so this will help them avoid those rate increases by reducing their energy bills.”

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At UNIfied, we provide commercial LED lighting, solar power and solar batteries for a wide range of industries including state and local government sectors.

  • We’re Australia’s #1 full-service LED and solar specialist.
  • Trusted experts since 2012 with over 3 million LEDs and over 37,000 solar installed.
  • Assessed and installed by our team of experts in the field.
  • Guaranteed high-quality: ISO certified.

Start saving now and enjoy the benefits of transitioning to renewable energy with UNIfied!  Call: 1300 817 847 or contact us via the website form.

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