Is it Financially Worth Buying Solar Panels in the Long Term?

School & Education / Sustainability by Tom Edwards

Solar is financially worth the investment

People may be warming to the concept of solar power as a result of rising electricity costs, which are the latest in a string of shocks to household budgets. These same price hikes are affecting businesses nationwide as they look for ways to reduce their business costs. 

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER), which serves as a safety net for customers who haven’t looked around for a better deal on their energy expenses, upped its default market offer recently. 

As a result of the modifications that took place on July 1, an increase of $165 or 11.3% annually in power bills is anticipated.

The Australian Government supports the idea of going Solar in the future by providing rebates and loans for solar installations. Now is the time to get ahead of electricity price hikes and rely on the sun for your power needs.



A solar power system will always save your household money with our ‘Solar Savings Guarantee* offer.’ In general, the higher your monthly electricity bills are, the more money you can save and the greater the effectiveness of a solar power system. The same goes for commercial businesses that generally are using a lot more electricity than your regular household. 



Here are a few scenarios where going solar is a no-brainer and make it worth every cent: 

☀️You have high electric bills and you see them rising month after month.

☀️Your roof receives plenty of sunlight. 

☀️Your roof has a large enough surface area. 

☀️Solar incentives, rebates, or exemptions are available to your home or business.


WRAP UP: Is it an investment worth doing? 

Though the scenarios mentioned can help you get a good idea of whether you must opt for solar, the ideal way to get the best idea and accurate estimate is by connecting with one of our local solar experts. They can then analyse your usage, recommend solar options, and provide resources on prices and financing options available. 

UNIfied energy is always helping Aussie households and businesses get the best out of their time and money investment. 




Why UNIfied?

  • Trusted Solar and Storage Experts Since 2012 with over 30,000 sites installed
  • Australia’s largest DIVERSified Energy Efficiency Specialist
  • Assessed and installed by our team of experts in the field. All services are approved by the Clean Energy Council
  • Guaranteed high-quality: ISO certified


Enquire now or learn more about Solar installation. We can talk about financing too. 







Check out other tips to be more energy efficient


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