Helping TDJ Australia reduce their environmental impact

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$ 0
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solar panels and sky
About TDJ

Innovative developers of the electronics industry

Established in 1985, TDJ is Australia’s largest importer and wholesaler of automotive electronics and accessories. They proudly boast an active customer base in excess of 3,500 clients in the combined Car Audio, Electronics, Digital Media and Home & Pro Audio market including major retail groups such as Autobarn, JB Hi-Fi, Repco, and Bunnings Warehouse.


Fulfilling high energy demand

To accommodate their high energy demand, TDJ switched their lighting to use LEDs. Their lighting cost went from over $38,000 a year to only $11,000. They also expanded their sustainable actions by installing a 99kW solar system that has saved them a further $27,902 annually.

roof covered in solar panels

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